Quick Facts about West Coast

Thermo-Sea: In a Nutshell

Thermo-Sea is a whole food blend of “7” wild-harvested sea vegetables, harvested from the coldest waters from around the world in their region of origin. The Thermo-Sea synergistic blend of sea vegetables contains every vitamin, mineral, trace mineral, and amino acid in Nature’s perfect balance—plus enzymes, antioxidants, flavonoids and many other powerful nutrients found in nature that are required for ultimate health. Product is not intended to diagnosis, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.

  • Supports Thyroid Gland
  • Lowers risk of Goiter
  • Helps to regulate the production of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Supports Ovaries in Females
  • Helps your sugar metabolism
  • Proper development of babies in pregnant women
  • Improved cognitive function in children
  • Supports Endocrine System
  • Supports Brain and Bone development

How much?

According to research from Japan, the Japanese consume an equivalent of 13.5 milligrams of Iodine daily. They consume it traditionally in the form of seaweed and lots of fish. Our diets don’t come close to their amounts.

As a comparison, think of it this way, just to make the point: in the Japanese diet, they consume the daily amount of iodine the size of a golf ball. In our culture, we consume a daily amount the size of a sunflower seed, if that. We are very deficient. The Thermo-Sea product gives you the daily amount your body needs. And you don’t have to eat a bucket of sea vegetables.

Why So Important, Daily?

Iodine is essential, especially for women. For the proper functioning of their thyroid and ovaries. Also, everyone’s brain and bone development, nervous system function, heart, sugar metabolism, and whole endocrine system and more. Your body can store up to 1500 milligrams of Iodine for all your needs.

The Japanese suffer the least amount of breast and other cancers, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, ADHD, goiter, and many other chronic degenerative diseases due to their high Iodine content. Whereas in this country, women get cancer much more frequently than men. In fact, 9 times more.

Iodine has been taken out of our bread, our milk, and our salt, for example. Maybe if you are lucky, you eat some fish occasionally and use Celtic Sea Salt and get some Iodine that way. Maybe you even eat seaweed occasionally in sushi. Or dried seaweed. But it is not enough on a daily basis. Neither does it build up your necessary Iodine stores in your body.

Plus, instead of your thyroid gland being fed daily with Iodine, it is being literally attacked by all the chlorine, fluoride, and bromide in our diets. Fluoride and chlorine in our municipal water supplies. Bromide in our flour products. And that is just the tip of the iceberg folks. Ever hear of Bromism? Lots of problems related to Bromism due to the bromide in our food chain.

Your Solution

Your best and easiest source of Iodine daily, therefore, is seaweed, or sea vegetables. But you don’t have to eat a bucket of seaweed daily!

There is one company I found that has a formula that gets you the daily Iodine you need to satisfy your essential daily needs. It is easy to take, tastes good, and you may notice some significant changes in your health and well-being pretty fast. Imagine that! You could eat lots of seaweed, other Iodine preparations, or you can simply take 4 droppers full of this Iodine supplement daily,

which is the raw juice of 7 different sea vegetables, wild harvested off the coast of North America.


These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnosis, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.