Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pain and solve many health problems that will not likely get better using traditional medical methods. If you have any chronic back or neck pain, for example…you probably know that taking drugs only masks the symptoms temporarily and does nothing to actually correct the cause of the pain. And you also probably know that surgery can be very dangerous, and often times ineffective in relieving pain as well. Many studies have been made demonstrating the benefits of chiropractic adjustments on patients with herniated discs in their back or neck.

My Experience

Over my 40th years in practice, I have literally seen countless examples of patients who could not get better with traditional medical methods… yet found quick and long lasting relief from chiropractic adjustments that required no drugs and no surgery. Many of these patients have continued on with regular adjustments on some kind of a maintenance basis. Have I been able to help every patient? No unfortunately. But when a patient is not responding to my care I do make it a point to refer them to a doctor who may be able to help them, a doctor who I would go to myself or send a family member to. In fact, sometimes people do need medical attention.

Some of the conditions I have been able to help are auto accident and work accident injuries, sports injuries, chronic sinusitis, headaches from pinched nerves in the neck, concussions or other head trauma. In addition to the back and neck and what we call extremity (elbow, hands, fingers, hips, knees, feet, toes) adjustments, I also provide to herniated disc patients non-surgical disc decompression treatment. For chronic headache/sinusitis/concussion/head trauma/TMJ patients I provide the bilateral nasal specific treatment. For patients suffering with chronic degenerative diseases/joint problems, in addition to the chiropractic adjustment, I provide organic, whole food nutrition concentrates based on the work of Dr. Weston Price and Dr. Pottenger.

If you would like to establish care in our office please give us a call to schedule at 503-472-6550. If you are able to Download and print intakes ahead of time please download them here.