A Whole New Way of Looking At Your Vitamin Supplements
And It’s Called Whole Food Nutrition Concentrates…

The Nutritional Problem, 2024

Are you one of the millions of Americans spending over $50 billion on supplements? Are you taking vitamins, minerals, enzymes, herbal extracts? Are they man made isolates, synthetic, made in a laboratory? Are they high potency, prescription? Do they contain “plant-based nutrients”? Are they purchased online? Are they purchased from companies that you can call up and request info like this: Are they raw, organic, certified organic, treated, pasteurized, “low heat”, enzymes intact? Can you find out at the “drop of a hat” by calling the “customer service line”? Can you find out if they are “Made in America” or another country?

You need to able to answer these questions. Your health depends on it. Many, actually most companies could care less about your health. They care about one thing: it’s called profit. I’m not against profit. I’m against all the lies, deceit and confusion dumped on us, daily, from the pharmaceutical industry on their TV, Radio, and print ads. It’s your health they are fooling with. And you need to be empowered, at home, in the store, in any doctor’s office, anywhere you are able to purchase these products. It’s your health we are talking about here.

Your health, your family’s health, depends on it. You should be able to benefit from your supplements—they should be whole food concentrates– rather than causing more deficiencies in your body due to the synthetic, isolates, laboratory concocted supplements you may be taking. And I can help you understand, in a “laser-like fashion”, if your products are natural or synthetic, made in a laboratory or not. Building you up or destroying your health. How?

Your Solution, 2024

First, there is my Podcast: Are Your Vitamins Destroying Your Health? But even before that, you could consult with me to see if I can answer enough of your questions that it would make sense for you to continue to consult with me. It takes about 30-45 minutes to find out. Just call or email me at: 503-472-6550.

You see, I have a very unique, but time-tested approach to your nutrition and supplement needs. And I’ve been at this personally since my father introduced me to these concepts and practices as a child.

My dad was the local “health nut “growing up in Philly. He had overcome a lot of his own health problems due to growing up in the depression. But he was a reader and stumbled onto principles and practices of health that he instilled in me by his untiring example, and teaching.

I can remember being in our “postage stamp backyard” helping him in the garden. Mostly by carrying the carrots, greens and other veggies to mom in the kitchen for soups, salads and finger foods before dinner. We always had lots of fresh food available to us, long before organic, certified organic and all the other confusing terms surfaced to try and help us distinguish between the commercial, industrial farming methods going on since the 1930’s and documented by researchers like Dr. Albrecht at the University of Missouri and Mr. Charles Walthers in his monthly publication—still available today—called Acres USA, The Voice for Eco-Agriculture.

Only later in his life, in the 1980’s and 90’s did people catch up to him. And fortunately, he was always willing to share his knowledge and expertise at gardening. It was a great hobby, a passion, and diversion from his work as an accountant. A “bean counter” –Summa Cum Laude graduate of the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania—as he used to describe his profession, tongue in cheek. He always was preaching to us 5 kids how important our health is. “You can’t buy your health” he used to say. “You have to practice It”.

The rest of my health education nutritionally is truly a godsend, a fortunate one. My mentors, including my dad combined, had over 300 years of clinical, biochemical, nutritional study and experience in the health field. I was like a sponge and for some reason absorbed so much from all of them. Observation, discussion, practice, study, my own clinical experience of over 40 years now, it all goes into every patient conversation regarding your nutritional well-being. Your own particular “health equation”. Each one of us must figure out our own particular health equation. It’s possible and with “a little help from a friend”, you can figure it out and live your health life on your terms.

And that’s where I come in.

Your frame of mind, your diet, your water, your supplements, your exercise. All of these are part of your health equation. Here’s a thumbnail sketch of my nutritional consultation program.

The Symptom Survey Form: Since 1929, this has been used by Physicians and Clinical Nutritionists to help in the overall nutritional status of a patient’s body systems. Same with the Diet Diary. As a Certified Whole Food Nutritional Consultant, I will review the information you provide me on your diet and any supplements you are taking, then follow up with a consultation and written recommendations for you to follow for a prescribed period of time and then we will re-evaluate your situation.

The purpose, again, is to empower you at home with your diet and any supplements you need to promote your optimal health.

Dedicated to your health and wellness,


Dr. Siegfried


 “My name is Dr. Joseph Scannell and I have retired from being a chiropractor. I was a chiropractor who started my practice in 1981. I met Dr. George Siegfried in the early 1980’s when he was working for the dancers in the Broadway Show Dancin’. He practiced at my clinic for a while before being hired by the Italian Olympic Team’s Track and Field Division. Dr. Siegfired has always been very knowledgeable in nutrition. One of his mentors was Mr. Doug Casey who has worked for Standard Process and personally knew Royal Lee, DDS who started the company. Another mentor of Dr. Siegfried’s was Dr. Stober who was one of the original pioneers of the nasal specific technique. I have five children; four girls and a son. While Dr. Siegfried was working at my clinic in the San Francisco Bay Area he performed the nasal specific procedure on all of my children. They were 8, 6, 4 and 2 at the time. All of them have no deviated septum’s or problems breathing through their noses. I on the other hand have a deviated septum that occurred when I was driving my bicycle down a street in San Francisco and crashed into a parked car. I had always had a problem breathing through my nose at night. After receiving the nasal specific treatments from Dr. Siegfried for the first time in many years I was able to breathe though my nose and get a better night’s sleep.

 Regarding clinical nutrition, Dr. Siegfried is the most knowledgeable person I know. When my other in law was diagnosed with stage four inflammatory breast cancer, he was the first person I called. He told me about Sir. Jason Winter’s tea which I had no knowledge about. It seemed Mr. Winters had contracted cancer and traveled the world in search of a cure. He was able to find herbs that in other societies and cured his cancer. He was then knighted by Queen Elizabeth. Dr. Siegfried also told me about the Springreen line of products to help detoxify my mother-in-law as well as using a hyperbaric chamber to give her body more oxygen. With his help my mother-in-law was able to live for over fifteen months without the use of chemotherapy or pain medication. I personally have tendonitis of my right knee and at his recommendation of taking Congaplex at night before bed I have been able to sleep through the night.”    

                                                                                                          – Dr. J. Scannell