“Dr. Siegfried is wonderful. I’ve been seeing him for about 8 years now, and have never felt better. After talking with him I decided to take the Super Greens, B-food, Whole Foods, and Cal-Mag. I’ve taken many supplements over the years, but none have ever worked quite like these. At one point I stopped taking them for about six months, thinking I didn’t need them, and I ended up with a terrible cold. I went back on them and swore I would never go off them again and have been healthy ever since. They keep my body energetic and healthy. The Cal-Mag is wonderful and calming for stressful days and helping me sleep better. Thank you Dr. Siegfried for introducing me to these!” ~A.S.

“A little back story – At 35, I finally delivered my first child. I hesitated about pregnancy due to an injury in my lower back and was under the impression that the weight/fluid gain, changing center of balance and delivery would be unbearable… boy was I wrong. I truly believe that a full term pregnancy at a different stage in my life where my nutrition wasn’t as robust as it is currently would have been so much harder.

Early pregnancy and even before pregnancy is the time that you need to get dialed. Your baby will never be as safe or receive better nutrition than they will directly from you so take full advantage of that.

During my intake at the obstetrician’s office, I was asked about morning sickness; I told the nurse that of course in the first trimester I wake up a little queasy then take my vitamins and the morning sickness is gone. She was floored and said that she had never heard that – ever – in her 30-some year career. Can you imagine how many pregnancies she’s seen in that amount of time?? And to think not one woman had any whole food source that actually made her feel better – not just better though, my morning sickness was gone for the entire day. I had five days total between the first AND second trimesters that had me hugging the toilet for a couple hours.

I give full credit to the supplements available at Dr. Siegfried’s office and the combination that he advised. He’ll never demand that you take anything but his knowledge about vitamins is second to none. If you look at the ingredients on any of those supplements, you’ll see that they’re all natural sources. It would be physically impossible to shop for, store, cook or process, much less EAT as many vegetables it would take to equal just a tablet of any of those supplements. During my pregnancy, I took kind of a slough of vitamins and there’s not one I would leave out during my next pregnancy.

From Dr. Siegfried’s office I took:
Cal-Mag, Green Nutrients, Chlorophyll Complex, Thermo Sea, Seaweed Support, Prolamine Iodine, Promin, Digestplex, and Codliver Oil. All of these supplements will add up and make for a significant investment, and if I haven’t sounded like a car salesman yet, you truly cannot put a price on your health and owe it to your baby to give them the healthiest start you can provide them with. My entire pregnancy was a breeze and I told everyone who would listen that I was already ready for the second one! That sentiment hasn’t changed one bit – even IN THE MIDDLE of delivery!

Now in the first month of post partum life, I continue to take all of those supplements and schedule chiropractic adjustments as needed.” ~C.C.

“I was introduced to Dr. Siegfried by my chiropractor in 2020 to receive the nasal specific treatment. Although it did not directly solve my particular health concern, I was able to breathe through my nose like never before after a series of four treatments. Dr. Siegfried is the master of this technique and am convinced that it can solve a variety of maladies if one is willing to try it.

Where I’ve benefited most from Dr. Siegfried is in the realm of nutrition and dietary supplementation. He is the real deal; every suggestion he’s made in this area has proven itself beneficial for my health. He is piped into the best and cleanest products on the market, specifically as it relates to whole food supplements. I trust him wholeheartedly with the nutritional care of my family and have seen real, tangible dietary, pregnancy and health results.

Lastly, Dr. Siegfried is a genuinely compassionate health care provider who is fiercely dedicated to his life’s work. From book recommendations to phone consultations, Dr. Siegfried provides much of what you need to live a healthy life, if you are willing to try things outside of the status quo.

Thank you Dr. Siegfried for your contributions to the wellness of your patients.”~A.S.

“Over the years, I have had occasional rapid heartbeats which have been increasing in frequency. Some days it would last for hours, becoming very concerning to me.
Dr. Siegfried recommended Cardio-Plus supplements. I’ve been taking them for several months now. Almost immediately the palpitations reduced in frequency and duration. Now I don’t seem to have them at all. 💓

I’m giving 5 stars because there are only positive things to write about. 😊 Dr. Siegfried is very thorough & knowledgeable. He listens carefully, asks questions, and validates my concerns. I went through the health and nutrition analysis and gained a wealth of knowledge about my personal road to abundant health! He is sensitive to what your lifestyle & limitations are, and works around those to ensure success on your part. I would highly recommend Dr. Siegfried for both the nutrition analysis and spinal adjustments.” ~ P.W.

“I have been a patient of Dr. Siegfried’s since 2011 and he has made an immense impact on my life. I first started seeing him about my psoriasis which was very bad at the time (I would itch so bad I would bleed). With Dr. Siegfried’s health recommendations my psoriasis symptoms drastically decreased by about 90%. We then transitioned my health plan to focus on my fertility. Thankfully, I was able to conceive naturally, very quickly and have a wonderful pregnancy. I also had an all natural birth (no pain meds) and birthed a healthy 9lb baby. I can honestly say, without George and his recommendations, his expertise, his resources, and his confidence in me to take charge of my health, I would not be where I am today. I always turn to him when I have questions and he is ALWAYS happy to help and go above and beyond with providing answers and research. I am extremely thankful for Dr. Siegfried. I highly recommend him to anyone and everyone looking to fine tune their body with nutrition and chiropractic care.” ~S.M

Joan M., 90 years old.

Supplements taken for over 30 years. They keep me going and healthy.

Nutriplex Formulas:
Cal Mag: Keeps leg cramps away. My granddaughter had chest pain and it went away with the
Cal Mag and was very grateful.
B Food: I was having tremors and Dr. Siegfried had me double up on the B Food until they stopped. This was 30 years ago. I haven’t had any tremors since then. It also helped with depression.
Green Nutrients: I always take extra Green Nutrients if I’m not eating many greens.
Whole Food and For-Til B12 I take regularly.
Cardio-Food: My heart is strong at 90 years old and I still work on the farm.
Adrenal Support: I take it along with the other supplements as it helps with my energy.
Digestplex: helps my digestion.
Immune Support: I have not been sick in over 4 years since starting this. I take more in winter.
Inflaplex: I take it regularly. Especially when hurting and even more often at other times. It really helps to keep the pain down.

Standard Process Products:
Cataplex F/ Wheat Germ Oil: These keep depression away as well. And I stay away from sugar as much as possible.
Zymex: Very important if I eat any junk food.
Lactic Acid Yeast: Very important to keep me regular.
Iplex: for my eyes and also the Cod Liver Oil. Your eyes always need help.

Green Pasture Products:
Fermented Cod/Butter Oil: I take this as I know that it is good for my health and my mother gave it to me as a child.

West Coast Products:
Thermosea: Helps me with my thyroid. I never get hot flashes.