The Home Spinal Traction Program
That has served my patients well over the years…

On the floor, on your back, towel or cervical and lumbar pillow under
your back, feet up on a chair. Twenty minutes at a time. At least once
a day. This position will traction your neck, low back and pelvis taking
the pressure off the nerves in those areas.

In the bed, on your back, towel or cervical and lumbar pillow your neck
legs flat. Daily before bed. Also, in the morning before getting out of bed.
Twenty minutes at a time. This position will traction your neck, low back and   pelvis taking the pressure off the nerves in those areas.

Hang/tilt your head gently backwards over the edge of your bed for at least five
minutes before sleep. Maybe even try to tilt/hang your head a little further
backwards once you get used to tilting your head backwards off the side of the
bed. This position will traction your neck, low back and pelvis taking the pressure off the nerves in those areas.

Mid back traction with a towel or lumbar pillow between your shoulders and
arms overhead for 5-20 minutes at least once a day.

Leg hang over the bed before sleep. Lay on your back, hang your legs from the knees down over the edge of your bed, arms overhead backwards, relax and feel the stretch. 5-10 minutes is good, or longer if you like.

Bar hang: palms towards the bar away from you, palms towards the bar facing you, palms together in the middle of the bar. Slight raise and then “drop” with each position.

Any questions please feel free to call me or ask me at your next visit.

Dedicated to your health,

Dr. Siegfried,