Tested in the Lab

By Dr. Ian Pierce, MD

 Jason Winters Tea

A lot of media attention has been given to a man named Jason Winters and his remarkable recovery from terminal cancer. When I visited him, he was already in good health but grossly underweight.

The news media had a field day with this story. It perked my interest and when I finally talked with Mr. Winters, he gave me a sample of the mixed herbs and I had them tested in the laboratory. We found that the herbs help cleanse the life-giving systems of the body.

The three quality tested herbs are gentle, but have a highly effective influence on the body, flushing out accumulated toxins. The herbs are sage and effective with no side effects, and they work well with any health program.

The problem is this, the news media, alternative health people and some religious persons insist on calling the “Jason Winters Herbal Tea” a cure all, and I must object to this. These herbs simply cleanse so the body and take care of itself. This idea is accepted by most health practitioners and is supported by Mr. Winters. I have told Mr. Winters on numerous occasions that this is what God intended for all his people.


A terminal cancer patient given just three months to live, Jason Winters refused major surgery and traveled the world in search of an herbal remedy. He achieved remission and shares his experiences for the benefit of cancer patients and others seeking to avoid this dreaded illness.

Born in England to a working-class family, Jason Winters was 17 before riding in a car for the first time or eating in a restaurant. But he had dreams and immigrated to Canada in 1947 where he worked on a farm in Saskatchewan. He then worked in Northern British Columbia as a lumberjack and for The Salmon Fisheries Commission.


Seeking adventure, Jason crossed the Canadian Rockies by hot air balloon. For Canada’s Centennial Celebration, he retraced Sir Alexander McKenzie’s

footsteps down the McKenzie River by canoe, a trip of more than 2,000 miles! Still not satisfied in his zest for adventure, Jason crossed the Sahara Desert by camel before working for the New Zealand government testing seat belts by crashing cars into brick walls.

Jason attempted to be the first man to cross the Atlantic Ocean by hot air balloon but crashed half way. Unlike most balloonists, Jason removed the typical basket from beneath the balloon and replaced it with a small boat, a fact that may have saved his life as it took days for him to be rescued after crashing into the Atlantic.


 The lure of Hollywood brought fame as an extra and stand-in for the role of Geronimo in the movie “Apache Agent.” As a stuntman, Jason performed in all of Audie Murphy’s films. His adventures spanned 20 years, but then came the biggest of all tests… facing death from terminal cancer.

In 1977 a large, cancerous growth appeared on the side of Jason’s neck. Normal cancer treatments had little effect on the growth and Jason was told to prepare to die.

But Jason never gave up on life. He turned to the alternative health field and natural remedies. He found special herbs on three different continents that had been used for centuries to combat cancer.


The individual herbs had little effect on Jason, but when he mixed the three herbs together in a tea (known as his Classic Blend Tea) his tumor began to shrink and Sir Jason experienced remission!

Since his discovery of the special herbs and the tea that contains them, Jason has written numerous books and has been invited to speak to hundreds of thousands of people all around the world.

Presidents, prime ministers and congressmen have come to him to talk about physical problems in their families. Through television and radio, Jason has reached millions more with his thoughts about alternative health care.

Jason has won awards from six foreign governments and The United States. He was knighted in Malta in 1985 for his work in the health field. He received the Medal of Honour in Madrid and made the Laureate of Belgium, The Netherlands and South Africa.

He was also given a prestigious award of merit by Congressmen James H. Bilbray & Richard A. Gephardt of the United States Congress! Today, Sir Jason Winters Products continue to help people throughout the world. Jason has been written about, talked about, admired and loved by people in every country where his book, “Killing Cancer,” and herbal formulas are used. His products are available in over 70 countries and used by people worldwide. His sincerity, knowledge and compassion have been the comfort of many a lost or sick soul.


 On three different continents, I discovered three different herbs, each with a centuries-old reputation as a powerful blood purifier. In Europe, descendants of ancient gypsies told me about the powers of Red Clover. In the deserts of North America, I learned of Sage & Chaparral from the Native American wise men.

In the Far East, I finally discovered the unique oriental herb that set my formula apart from all others: Herbalene (oriental spice). Click on List of Herbs” to see the full list.

HERBALENE – (Special Spice)

These herbs were used anciently as a tonic. Early Chinese writings refer to Herbalene as the “superior tonic.” These herbs are considered to be an “adaptogen”, having a normalizing affect on the body’s functions. It is widely used in a Collective Chinese Immune Stimulating Therapy called “Fu Zheng.” A weak immune system allows a lot of infectious diseases to develop, among these are: Cold, Influenza, Sore Throat, Laryngitis, Pneumonia, Meningitis, Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, Syphilis, and AIDS.
When Jason Winters mixture was tested by Dr. Ian Pierce of England, it was said that the Herbalene acted as a catalyst to make the other two herbs in the tea 27 times stronger. Hashimoto, the former Prime Minister of Japan, considers Jason Winters Tea to be THE HEALTHIEST DRINK IN THE WORLD!


Watch Sir Jason Winters talk about his true miraculous healing herbs with Christopher Hartman on “The Different View”. Just CLICK the link to the left.

Sir Jason Winters Story Killing Cancer & What If Reflection of my Father’s Life Sir Jason Winters

Have you read either of these books yet? If you don’t and would like one, come by the clinic and pick one up for FREE! While supplies last.

Clinic Patient Testimonial

I have truly appreciated Jason Winter’s tea for a number of reasons….  It has boosted my energy, it’s a mild but effective internal cleanse, gives one a feeling of wellbeing, it is good at lessening varicose veins and has almost completely cleared one up, where it can hardly be seen.  My hair has come in thicker, even returning to its natural curly state (something l was NOT expecting)! It’s an all-round healthy tea, even pleasant tasting. You can even sweeten it a bit if you feel the need to with some agave, (a natural, low glycemic sweetener for diabetics) or raw, organic honey. I take what Dr. Siegfried recommended for me, 2 quarts a day made with pure water. But one must be consistent to see the results anticipated. It also helps you to get the recommended 8 glasses of water in you a day, as many are walking around seriously dehydrated and aren’t aware of it. Also, taking the Whole Foods supplements he recommends, complements the diet, and boosts your immunity!

– D. Cox