I have gone to a regular chiropracter for 20+ years (Dr. Highley of Bellingham WA) and a “Cranio-Sacral” Chiropracter(Dr. Tim Bradbury) for 9 years. I was hit accidentally by a kid swinging a golf club when I was very young (maybe 10 years old) and I had a couple
of pretty bad bicycle crashes as well (one was when I went through the rear window of a Volkswagen Bus) and another my hands slipped off the handlebars and I hit the pavement pretty hard. Both accidents I was wearing a helmet so that helped. So basically I needed Dr. Seigfried’s adjustment pretty bad at 64 years of age…in fact I probably was long

My Cranio-Sacral Chiropracter did me some good but there was something I was missing…so I decided to go to Portland/Mcminnville to see Dr. Siegfried.Now I have had a total of 4 adjustments and this has seriously changed my life for the better. Although I really don’t understand why it works or how the balloons affect the “sphenoid” bone and thus the overall shape of the cranium (of which it is a part) I am definitely much clearer and happier now. Its kind of a tough thing to do but not overwhelmingly so.If you are serious about going drug free and want ot take the “bull by the horns” I recommend Dr. Seigfried. I am so happy I did and am grateful I could find him.

Fred Daugert.

Concussions, and other results from head trauma, are a problem in our society. Seemingly little bumps and thumps can at the worst lead to headaches, migraines and other issues that are considered “ normal” to so many people.

Other more blatant blows to the head like falls, hitting your head in a car accident, football, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, softball, etc. players may get their head butted, their “bell rung”, dazed, bruised, contused, etc. All of which can promote a menagerie of symptoms that seem unrelated to bumps and thumps or blatant head butts, collisions, etc.

Things like behavioral changes, sleeping habits changes, attitude changes, eating and appetite changes, visual changes, psychological changes, etc. All of which, for the compromised nervous system are paramount to “driving around with the brakes on” because the normal energy flow from the brain is affected to many parts of the body. To say that someone’s life has been changed by head trauma can be an understatement.

Traumatic Brain Injuries is that category that so many people who have had minor or serious head trauma fall into who have compromised function. Not knowing how to treat or deal with related conditions can be very frustrating, to say the least, for not only the injured, but also the closest loved ones.

A relatively unknown, but very helpful treatment called Bilateral Nasal Specifics is a method that has been available since the 1940’ s. An in-office procedure, in the hands of a skilled Doctor, it has been a welcome relief to thousands of people suffering with the effects of birth trauma, and other head injuries, both major and minor.

Examination reveals those areas of the skull/cranium that are “locked up”, from any head trauma. The Bilateral Nasal Specific “unlocks” those joints and allows the bones of the head to move more freely, releasing pressure on those joints, as well as allowing the brain to have less pressure on it, promoting greater circulation and nerve flow.

Patients who qualify for this treatment most of the time get welcome relief from the treatment, from a myriad of effects of injuries to the head.
Having performed this treatment thousands of times over a 30 year period, on patients from newborns to the elderly and having studied with the developer of the Bilateral Nasal Specific, I have a unique ability to help patients who have not been helped elsewhere.
Patients suffering from the effects of head trauma/traumatic brain injury know well that “time does not heal all wounds”. It many times compounds them.

Dr. Siegfried studied with Dr. J.R. Stober, D.C., N.D., one of the pioneers of the Bilateral Nasal Specific, for many years. He has the best technique of anyone I have found and is the only person I trust with my head. I have suffered with chronic sinusitis after a head injury years ago.

– Dr. Rod Jackson, D.C.
Chiropractic Physician

Nick McDonough, Concussion Patient
Age 83

History: 2 concussions from falling on his face. First time blacked out July 2013 and fell on his face. ER evaluation and sent home. Went on vacation to Ireland for 3 weeks shortly thereafter. Blacked out and fell on his face again August, 2013, hospitalized with broken teeth, severe pressure on the brain and relieved by emergency craniotomy. This procedure relieved his headaches for a while. Jaw/bite problems since the 2nd fall. While in the hospital after the 2nd concussion he had a pacemaker put in as the surgeon said that his heart was the reason for the blackouts.

His chief complaints at his first visit were as follows: although he was basically over his headaches, he was still “foggy”, he was “disoriented”, total coordination “between the head and the body was not totally synchronized”, dizziness, balance problems, unsteady gait, difficulty concentrating/forgetfulness, comprehension was off, impatient/angry more often, depressed, lack of energy, emotionally fragile, really needed to be careful hammering nails on home projects, poor motivation to start projects.

After 7 Bilateral Nasal Specifics treatments over a period of 6 weeks he has made the following observations: His eyes focus better, his mind is clearer, he has more energy, he has better orientation, his eyes are tracking better, conversation is better, his head feels clearer, his comprehension is better.

Current treatment plan: as able as he lives 8 hours away by car.