Quick Facts about Blood Sugar Balance (GTF):

In a Nutshell 

Blood Sugar Balance (previously GTF Complex), often, the amount of sugar in the bloodstream is too high or too low. High levels can cause diabetes, and low levels may cause hypoglycemia.  The GTF (glucose tolerant factor) complex food molecule is effective at helping insulin balance blood sugar levels, making it useful for depression sufferers and diabetic patients. Glucose tolerant factor is also indicated for carbohydrate metabolism and, because it keeps less sugar from being turned into fat, supporting a healthy weight.

  • Supporting healthy blood sugar levels
  • Digestive System
  • Hormonal System
  • Supporting a healthy weight


Too often, due to high-carbohydrate and sugary-food consumption, rapidly dropping blood sugar causes cold sweat, rapid heartbeat, blackouts, dizziness and other symptoms as the body tries to balance an assault from sugar intake. Further, glucose tolerance factor (GTF) has been shown to be a major player in the metabolism of fat, especially in overweight people.

The need for the foods in BLOOD SUGAR BALANCE may be related to a diet in refined foods, especially refined sugars that tend to cause an imbalance in the body’s blood-sugar metabolism (including hyper- and hypoglycemic conditions). This both directly and indirectly places a strain on the hormonal system and pancreas and other organs, including the liver, heart and gallbladder.

– Hormonal glands and tissues
– Blood sugar metabolism and balance
– Liver and pancreatic health and function
– Supporting a healthy weight
– Glucose tolerance
– Cholesterol balance
– Nerve function

These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. This product is not intended to diagnosis, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary.